GetFUE Clinic in Antalya, Turkey

Merkez, getFUE Hair Transplantation Clinic, Akdeniz Caddesi, Kemer/Antalya, Turkey

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+44 203 393 6509

11:00 to 08:00

GetFue clinic Antlaya:

in Getfue clinic antalya, Achieving the best results for hair transplantation depends not only on the high professional work of the surgical team, but also on the facilities and craftsmanship. To ensure the highest results with every hair transplant, we operate in an integrated modern hospital in the heart of Antalya, Turkey. This private hospital is accredited and authorized by national and international organizations, to ensure that every aspect of the operation is of the highest standards.

Sterile and fully equipped operating theaters:

With us, every hair transplant is performed in a sterile and fully equipped operating room in the hospital. Hair transplant team members must be at the highest level of sterilization prior to transplantation, and operating rooms should be sterilized to minimize the risk of infection. The operation bed is specially designed to give you maximum comfort during the operation, while the medical team performs the hair transplant.

Moreover, according to the law, any medical procedure, such as hair transplantation, must be carried out in a place equipped with emergency CPR facilities. Licensed and accredited clinics, such as ours, are subject to tests not scheduled by the Ministry of Health.

Comfortable patient rooms:

After a procedure such as hair transplantation, the patient needs special care, which can only be provided efficiently in the hospital. One of the main requirements in this regard is a reclining bed, since on the first night the patient usually needs to rest and lie down slightly to improve the post-operative healing stage.

At getFUE, each patient spends at least one night after hair transplantation in one of the comfortable and redesigned individual wards of the clinic. A nurse will serve patients 24 hours a day in case they need any help or feel uncomfortable. Our team will prepare the bed at the optimal angle and provide pain relief treatments in case the patient needs them

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