Kosmed Klinik

Mönckebergstraße 5, 20095 Hamburg, Germany

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+49 40 35711122

The Kosmed Klinik was established in Hamburg and has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of hair transplant, aesthetic and plastic surgery. The clinic has different doctors specialized in different areas. Both Dr. Hanieh Erdmann, a Dermatologist, and Dr. Madiha Mahmood perform hair transplant surgeries at the clinic.


  • Dr. Hanieh Erdmann is a Diplomate of ISHRS.
  • She has the American Board of Hair Transplantation.
  • A member of  the European Hair Research Society (EHRS)
  • Dr. Madiha Mahmood is also a member of the ISHRS and the EHRS.


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